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Tpas National Scrutiny Week 2023

1st Sep 2023

What is resident scrutiny?

Resident scrutiny gives residents an active stake in the running of their landlord’s business rather than just being recipients of services. It enables staff and residents to work in partnership to achieve better performance and improved outcomes.

What does resident scrutiny look like at Newlon?

We have a variety of approaches such as:

  • Mystery shopping – which is undertaken three times per year by 20+ residents.
  • Resident monitoring of strategy – which is undertaken twice per year as part of a three year strategy life cycle by representatives from a group of 18 residents.
  • Project based review – which is undertaken twice a year by representatives from a group of 15+ residents.

Tpas Scrutiny Week 2023 (#SW23) 2nd October – 6th October

Newlon are proud to be part of Tpas, the resident engagement experts.
We are encouraging residents to take part in the Tpas scrutiny week free online digital workshops.
The workshops are designed to develop residents’ understanding of scrutiny and improve their scrutiny skills.
If you would like to take part in one of the free online digital workshops listed below, please contact getinvolved@newlon.org.uk.

Name Date Time Description

Tenant Scrutiny Club Live.

02/10/23 1:00 – 3:00 pm

Caritas Charles opens the hugely successful Tpas Scrutiny Club to members and non-members alike. So why not grab the chance to join the meet up! Lively discussion and debate on all things scrutiny is a guaranteed.

What does great Scrutiny look like? 


10.30 – 11.30 am 

Join our Consultancy Manager, Michael Hill as we delve into the Tpas National Standard for Scrutiny in this insightful session. Examine what makes Scrutiny excellent, and explore how you can use standard to improve and develop your scrutiny further.

One way or another.
A look at the different ways of doing Scrutiny. 


10.30 – 12.00 pm

As long as it follows some key principles, Scrutiny can be done in many different ways. This session will take you through some different models, exploring the process behind them and what the pros and cons might be. So if you are thinking about a new approach, or just want to see what else is out there, this session is for you.

Top Tips for being
a scrutineer. 
06/10/23 10.30 -11.30 am

Hear from Kai, a tenant scrutineer at Black Country Housing Group as they share with you some great advice on how to survive and thrive in the world of scrutiny.