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Code of conduct for involved residents

Newlon asks everyone directly involved in delivering the organisation’s business to sign up to a code of conduct. This is so we can be sure that all our activities are carried out to the highest standards of integrity, honesty and fairness.

The code gives guidance on how you, as an involved resident, can ensure that your actions and behaviour are in line with Newlon’s values, and the high standards of conduct we need to make sure people can have confidence in Newlon and the work we do. You can find Newlon’s values here.

Newlon defines an ‘involved resident’ as someone who has significant involvement with the organisation over a period of time. This includes co-optees to the Residents’ Services Committee, members of the Residents’ Forum and Scrutineers, all of whom are undertaking repeat involvement activities, and Think Tank members involved more than once over the course of a year.

Terms of reference and code of conduct for resident meetings

As an involved resident we expect you to get to know the contents of the code and follow its principles and provisions at all times.

If you breach the code one or more of the following could happen:

  • You may be given a warning.
  • You may be asked to leave a meeting for a five minute ‘time out’.
  • If serious enough, the breach could be referred to Newlon and your involvement could be terminated.

If you have any doubts or questions about the code, or about a specific issue, please ask for advice and guidance from the Resident Involvement Officer.

Main principles of the code

General responsibilities:
You must carry out the duties of your role as an involved resident responsibly and in line with Newlon’s values, acting at all times in good faith and in the best interests of Newlon and Group residents and service users.

Conflicts of interests:
You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that no undeclared conflict arises between your duties as an involved resident and your personal interests, financial or otherwise.

Bribery, gifts and hospitality:
You must not offer, seek or accept bribes or inducements to act improperly or corruptly. You must not seek or accept gifts, hospitality or other benefits from individuals or organisations that might reasonably be seen to compromise your judgement or integrity or place you under an obligation to those individuals or organisations.

Funds and resources:
You must not misuse Newlon’s funds or resources.

You must handle information in accordance with the law and Newlon’s policies and procedures.

Respect for others:
You must treat others with respect at all times.

Relationship with staff:
Staff and involved residents must maintain a constructive, professional relationship based on a sound understanding of their respective roles.

Relationship with Group residents and service users:
You must maintain high standards of professionalism, fairness and courtesy in all your dealings with other Group residents and service users. You must not allow any personal relationship with another resident or service user to conflict with your role and responsibilities.

Health, safety and security:
Your conduct must not endanger the health, safety or security of yourself or others and you must comply with the law and any health and safety practices that are communicated to you by staff while you are carrying out your duties as an involved resident.

Conduct at meetings:
Your conduct at Newlon meetings must meet a high standard of integrity, commitment and courtesy. Once a meeting has reached a decision you must share responsibility for that decision, even where you had not supported it.

Representing Newlon:
In representing Newlon at external events and in dealings with outside bodies, you must demonstrate commitment to Newlon and support for its values, objectives and policies and must avoid doing anything that might bring Newlon into disrepute.