Chat live with us now
27th Apr 2017 | NewsDid you know you can use live chat on our website? It is a quick and easy alternative to calling or emailing us. Select the chat icon on this screen and type your details to connect immediately to one of our Service Centre Advisors. If there are no Advisors available then you will have the […]
Write for our newsletter and receive £20 in high street vouchers
24th Apr 2017 | NewsNewlon News is a quarterly newsletter for our residents, which contains our latest news, information and opportunities, and events going on in the boroughs where we have homes. Why not get involved and write something that other residents may enjoy? We accept all kinds of articles. For example, you could write about events in your local community, your […]
Jobs Fair @ Hale Village – 27th April
20th Apr 2017 | NewsLooking for work? Interested in finding a job, increasing your hours, or making a career change? Our Jobs Fair is open to everyone aged 16+ who is currently unemployed, or in part-time work and looking to go full-time. We have roles in health and social care, business and office work, warehouse services, hospitality, cleaning services, […]
Easter closure times 2017
13th Apr 2017 | NewsOur offices close for the Easter break at 5pm on Thursday, 13th April, and reopen at 9am on Tuesday, 18th April. During this time our contractors will only provide emergency repairs. Emergencies include total electricity loss and major leaks. In these instances our contractors will ‘make safe’ and may be able to do a full […]
Submit your comments to have your say about our services
10th Apr 2017 | NewsThe Residents’ Forum meets every few months. It is the main residents’ group that we consult about our services and standards. But you don’t have to be on the Forum to have your input. Instead you can send your comments to, letting us know what matters most to you about the services you get […]
Newlon shortlisted for 2017 First Time Buyer Awards
20th Mar 2017 | NewsWe are pleased that we have been shortlisted for the 2017 First Time Buyer Readers’ Awards, in the Affordable Housing Provider of the Year category. This award will go to the organisation that has shown innovation in the way they design, build and market their properties as well as offering a variety of services which […]
Spring 2017 residents’ newsletter now out
15th Mar 2017 | NewsThe Spring 2017 edition of Newlon News, our residents’ newsletter, is out now. It contains the latest news, information and a guide to events taking place in the boroughs where we have homes. You can read it online in the publications section of our website.
Newlon’s regeneration work nominated for UK Housing Award
3rd Feb 2017 | NewsNewlon Housing Trust has been shortlisted for the 2017 UK Housing Awards for Outstanding Approach to Regeneration, which focuses on the work we have undertaken at Isobel Place, Tottenham Town Hall, Hale Village and Cannon Road – all large-scale regeneration projects which have transformed derelict sites into much needed new homes. The winners will be announced in a ceremony […]
Save time and the environment with digital statements and newsletters
11th Jan 2017 | NewsWe can send your rent statements and newsletters digitally to your email address rather than by post. This is both faster and more environmentally friendly, as it saves paper. If you want to receive statements and newsletters digitally then please let us know by emailing
Office closure over the festive period
20th Dec 2016 | NewsOur offices close on Friday, 23rd December and reopen on Tuesday, 3rd January. During this time our contractors will only provide emergency repairs. These include total electricity loss and major leaks. In these instances our contractors will make safe and may be able to do a full repair provided extensive works are not needed. If […]