Keeping safe in the heatwave
15th Jul 2022 | NewsThe scorching weather looks set to continue so here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe as the temperatures soar. Outside Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when UV rays are strongest. Take water with you if you have to go out. Apply sunscreen before you […]
The spring 2022 newsletter is out
28th Apr 2022 | NewsThe spring 2022 edition of our newsletter for residents, Newlon News, is now available to read online. Inside you will find the latest news and information from Newlon. You can find it in the publications section of the website.
Cost of living survey for Newlon Residents
5th Apr 2022 | NewsThe Resident Voice Index™ has just launched it’s survey, titled ‘Cost of Living‘ and we would encourage you to take part. The project seeks to collect information from social housing residents, like you, on what could be done to improve their homes, communities, wellbeing and prospects. A previous survey, which took place last year received the input […]
Would you like to be part of the government’s Social Housing Quality Resident Panel?
4th Apr 2022 | NewsOn the 29th March 2022, the government launched the Social Housing Quality Resident Panel. This is in direct response to the White Paper and in particular the section about amplifying the voice of tenants. This new national residents’ panel is something that has long been called for by campaigners. The Social Housing Quality Resident Panel […]
Barnsbury Estate residents vote yes for a transformed estate
29th Mar 2021 | NewsThe Barnsbury Estate Transformation project (BEST) will go ahead after residents returned a large majority yes vote in a residents’ ballot. A total of 369 residents or 72.9%% of those who voted, voted yes for the transformation. The turnout saw 506 residents, or 79.2%, vote in the ballot. The ballot is the result of a […]
Easter closure times
26th Mar 2021 | NewsOur offices, including our Service Centre, will close at 5pm on Thursday, 1st April and reopen on Tuesday, 6th April. During this time our contractors will only provide emergency repairs. Emergencies include total electricity loss. In these instances our contractors will make safe and may be able to do a full repair provided extensive works […]
The Spring 2021 Newlon newsletter is out
19th Mar 2021 | NewsThe Spring 2021 edition of our newsletter for residents, Newlon News, is now available to read online. Inside you will find the latest news and information from Newlon. You can find it in the publications section of the website.
Save paper with digital newsletters and statements
10th Mar 2021 | NewsIf you are a Newlon resident then you can do your part to help the environment, by getting your rent statements and newsletters delivered digitally to your email address, rather than by post. This is both faster and saves paper. If you would like to receive statements and newsletters digitally then please let us know […]
Protect your home from the cold
12th Feb 2021 | NewsProlonged periods of freezing temperatures and the thaws which follow mean an increased chance of burst pipes. Thames Water have produced tips for how to help prepare your home for cold weather, which you may find helpful. You can can find them on the Thames Water website. Always remember to contact our Service Centre first […]
Newlon gives support to Together with Tenants Charter
11th Feb 2021 | NewsThe Together with Tenants Charter was created by the National Housing Federation (NHF) and is designed to strengthen the relationship between residents and landlords. It illustrates what residents can expect from us as their housing provider, regardless of where they live or what type of home they live in. Newlon supports the charter and we […]