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  • Hale Village wins Most Innovative Affordable Housing Scheme Award

    19th Feb 2014

    …542 new homes at Hale Village, including family social rented, Intermediate Rent and Shared Ownership homes. The judges said they were impressed by the scale of Hale Village, the way green and communal spaces have been incorporated into the development, Newlon’s use of the concierge service and the improvements the scheme is bringing to this corner of north London. https://twitter.com/NewlonHT/status/432849111935500288…

  • Welcome to our new look website

    31st Jan 2019

    We have revamped our website to create a design which is simpler and easier to navigate – helping you find the information or services you want more quickly. It has also been optimised so it works better on mobile devices. We hope you like it….

  • Share your stories for Housing Day 2014!

    29th Oct 2014

    …year. The stories will be featured on their website and across other social media channels, so that they reach as wide an audience as possible. They are looking for stories to be around 250 – 300 words long. Go to the TPAS website to find out more. If you are a resident who is not active in resident involvement, but…

  • Our Service Standards

    compliments? If you are not happy with a service that we have provided and you wish to make a complaint then visit the making a complaint section of the website. If you are pleased with a service that you have received and want to give a compliment to a particular member of staff or team, then email it to customerservice@newlon.org.uk….

  • Regulation and governance

    …undertakes a self-assessment of compliance with the RSH’s Regulatory Standards annually and confirms the Association is compliant with the standards. We regularly publish performance information in the our performance section of this website. You can also find our latest Annual Report, Residents’ Review (our annual performance report to our residents) and our Report and Financial Statements in the publications section….

  • Electric bike and scooter safety

    components, you should check that they’re compatible. Register your product with the manufacturer to validate any warranties. Check any products you have bought are not subject to a product recall: Electrical Safety First’s website (Product Recalls & Safety Notices). Damage and disposal Check your battery regularly for any signs of damage. If damaged, it should be replaced and shouldn’t be…

  • Compliance with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code

    26th Jun 2024

    …updated the complaints section on our website to include our: Compliance with the Housing Ombudsman’s complaint handling code – self assessment 2023-2024 Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report Board response to Annual Complaints and Service Improvement Report Please see the information below for a quick snapshot of how we are performing, how we are learning from complaints and how…

  • Ending your tenancy

    If you are a Newlon tenant and would like to end your tenancy with us then you will need to provide us with at least four weeks notice. In order to do so you should complete and send a Notice to Quit (NTQ) form, which you can download at the bottom of this page. You will need to send it…

  • Transfers

    …recommend mutual exchange as the best route, which you can read about in the ‘moving to another home‘ section of the website. How can I apply? If you would like to apply for a transfer then please download and complete the application form below and email it to customerservice@newlon.org.uk. You should receive a response from us within ten working days….

  • Head of Customer Services

    …Hale. Closing date: 23:59 on Wednesday 22 February 2023 Online assessments will be held between Monday 27 February and Thursday 2 March 2023 Interviews will be held in-person at our offices in Hale Village on Monday 13 March 2023   No agencies please. Newlon Housing Trust is a charitable housing association and a committed Equal Opportunities employer.   Download job…